Low tide at 1:21pm (1.11m) - High tide at 7:35pm (4.00m)
I made some very cool shots this morning despite of the rain and the wind. Came home pretty happy with the session, only to discover that none of the pictures had been saved on the SD card. Not the best way to start the day!
It took me a little while to find the motivation to get out there again and shoot some more pictures for TxiTxu. But here we are! They may be less glorious, but still enough to give you an overview of the mood out there. Hopefully!
The surf is tricky today; it's pretty windy, and the waves are all over the place. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to get any better later. Surf schools are the only ones trying to find the best of that 1m at 7sec "swell". It looks like a great Sunday to do nothing except drink warm beverages and eat pancakes. Banana ones.
Have a great day, amigos!
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